基金从业资格考试多久出结果 基金从业资格考试多久出结果呀

2024-05-13 10:35:31 59 0


1. 考试结果查询时间

1.1 2023年03月03日基金从业考试出成绩时间


1.2 2021年11月10日基金考试成绩公布时间

China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association usually releases the results within 7 working days after the exam. Candidates can check the results on the association's website and request a reevaluation if necessary.

2. 30个必记内容

2.1 杜邦恒等式的公式

The DuPont Identity formula is used for financial analysis to determine the return on equity (ROE) by breaking it down into three components: profitability, efficiency, and leverage.

2.2 债券种类及收益率

Candidates should understand the different types of bonds and the relationship between current yield and yield to maturity.

2.3 正态分布

Normal distribution is a smooth "bell-shaped" curve where values near the mean are more concentrated and values far from the mean are sparse.

3. 成绩查询方式

3.1 2019年11月11日成绩查询

For the November 2019 exam, candidates could check their results online within 7 working days after the exam by visiting the official registration website.

3.2 2023年3月14日考试成绩查询

After the March 2023 exam, candidates could log in to the official website for the exam, enter their ID number, and check their results within 7 working days.

4. 成绩合格证书打印

4.1 2023年6月26日成绩合格证打印

Candidates who passed the June 2023 exam could print their qualification certificates on the official website of the China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association within 7 working days after the results were announced.

4.2 基金从业考试举办次数

The Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination is held four times a year, with the next exam for public candidates taking place at the end of August. For more information, candidates can follow updates on platforms like Zhihu and WeChat "Financial Practitioners."

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