股票书籍排行榜最新 2020年股票书籍推荐

2024-07-18 10:59:12 59 0

股票书籍排行榜最新 2020年股票书籍推荐

1. The Psychology of Money《金钱心理学》

This book was released in 2020 and has received overwhelming positive reviews. It combines a variety of viewpoints from different sources and offers a systematic approach...

2. ***蜡烛图技术:古老东方投资术的现代指南

This book, translated by Ding Shengyuan, is a classic work on candlestick charting techniques in the stock market. Ding Shengyuan himself has deep knowledge in financial securities...

3. 股票的艺术 (The Art of the Stock Market)

This ancient classic is often referred to as the "Stock Market Bible." It provides valuable insights and wisdom for beginners in the stock market...

4. 投资最重要的事

This book, which has consistently been on the top of finance book lists, is a culmination of 43 years of investment experience. It offers invaluable insights for investors...

5. 这书能让你戒股

This chapter discusses the author's personal experience with stock trading, which resonates with many investors. It provides a unique perspective on overcoming the addictive nature of trading...

6. 股票大作手回忆录

The author of this book, Livermore, is a legend in the American stock market. His life story of ups and downs, including making a fortune in 1929 through short selling, is truly remarkable...

7. 聪明的投资者

This classic investment book by Benjamin Graham, first published in 1949, offers timeless principles for successful investing...

8. 笑傲股市

This book serves as a textbook for trend investing and has been recommended by many readers. Its value lies in the different insights gained with each reading...

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