***石化加油卡到期了怎么办理 ***石化加油卡过期吗

2024-04-10 11:26:00 59 0


1. 可以拨打热线进行延期

China Petrochemical Corp (Sinopec) gas cards are generally valid for three years. If the card is about to expire but has not exceeded 6 months, you can call the hotline on the card to apply for an extension. You can also go to any gas station recharge point and ask the staff for help to activate the card.

2. 到售卡网点办理延期或换卡手续

If your Sinopec gas card is nearing its expiration date, you can go to the nearest card sales point to handle the extension or card replacement procedures. The extension or replacement can be done from 1 month before the expiration date to 2 months after. Applying for a gas card is simple and can help many car owners save a lot of time and money.

3. 在回收页面提交回收申请

When you enter the recycling page, click on the gas card options, enter the correct card password according to the face value, and submit the recycling application to the platform. You only need to wait a few minutes for the process to be completed.

4. 超过6个月需到指定的发卡充值网点办理延期手续

If your Sinopec gas card has expired but it has been within 6 months, you can go to any card recharge point to handle the extension procedures. If it has been more than 6 months, you should go to the designated card recharge point to extend the validity period, with each extension lasting 3 years.

5. 注意有效期届满时的处理方式

When the valid period of the Sinopec gas card is within 6 months, you can go to any card recharge point for extension. If it has been more than 6 months, you should go to the designated card recharge point for extension, with each extension lasting 3 years. If the card reaches 2 years without undergoing an extension, the customer is deemed to have forfeited all rights to the gas card.

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