***铁物什么时候重组 ***铁物上市进展

2024-03-18 11:05:45 59 0



China Iron and Steel Corporation (000927) released its first quarter report for 2022, showing a 17.06% year-on-year increase in operating income to 13.1 billion yuan. Net profit attributable to shareholders for the quarter was 2.111 billion yuan, up 5.34% year-on-year. Non-recurring profit for the quarter was 2.094 billion yuan, up 7.78% year-on-year. The performance improvement was mainly attributed to the progress in key projects.


In 2021, China Iron and Steel Corporation successfully completed a restructuring with FAW Xiali and went public. After three years of development, the company's financial situation has improved. As of September 2023, the company had a cash balance of 5.724 billion yuan, and the asset-liability ratio had decreased to 61.82%. On December 4, 2023, 1.475 billion restricted shares of China Iron and Steel Corporation started trading on the market, accounting for the total share capital.


According to the 2021 annual report of China Iron and Steel Corporation, there is a business overlap between the company and Zhongchu Holding Group's another listed company, Zhongmu Co., Ltd. Zhongchu Holding Group has committed to resolving the intra-industry competition issue of its subsidiaries in a way that benefits the listed company and shareholders, especially small and medium-sized shareholders, through asset reorganization and other means.


China Iron and Steel Corporation (000927) was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, becoming the first central enterprise to be listed in Shenzhen in the new year. The listing of China Iron and Steel Corporation in Shenzhen brought a ray of warmth to the coldest winter in over 50 years. Having suffered from severe losses and insolvency, China Iron and Steel Corporation underwent restructuring in 2016.


In 2021, ahead of the following March, StateUnited Corporation announced a trading halt to plan a significant asset reorganization involving the purchase of Sinotian Group's China Railway Equipment. The plan was ultimately shelved. StateUnited Corporation had previously stated that the company had completed its 14th Five-Year Plan and would continue to focus on the PCCP-based traditional cement product market by adjusting its structure in line with the company's actual situation.


China Iron and Steel Corporation stated on May 20, 2022, that a major asset restructuring was carried out in 2020, and the automotive-related business had been divested. The company's interactions with investors indicated the disposal of the automotive-related business following a significant asset reorganization in 2020.


China Iron and Steel Corporation, reorganized from the original FAW Xiali, operates in the following sectors: railway operation mileage, iron and steel industries. As of December 31, 2015, China Iron and Steel Corporation had total assets of 45.138 billion yuan, total liabilities of 54.987 billion yuan, net assets of -9.849 billion yuan. The company was heavily indebted and insolvent, prompting the restructuring process to mitigate the crisis.

Through the above points, we can see the progress and prospects of China Iron and Steel Corporation's restructuring and listing.

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